Panels & Report Releases


Panel Discussion: Debrahmanising conservation: Criminal law & Wildlife Policing in India 

On 21st January 2023, the CPA Project organised a panel discussion titled “Debrahmanising conservation: Criminal law and Wildlife Policing in India,” to mark the release of the report on Wildlife Protection Act. Dr. Virginius Xaxa, Dr. Arpitha Kodiveri, and Dr. Neetisha Xalxo joined us for a panel moderated by Mukta Joshi.

Report Release: Wildlife Policing | Keynote Address by Hon’ble Justice S. Muralidhar 

On 22nd October 2022, the CPA Project released the report “Wildlife Policing: Reign of Criminalisation in the forests of Madhya Pradesh”. Hon’ble Justice S. Muralidhar, Former Chief Justice, Orissa High Court delivered the keynote address during the launch event.

Policy Brief Release: Wildlife Policing | Keynote Address by Ms. Soni Sori 

On 15th September 2022, the CPA Project released its policy brief on wildlife policing. Eminent activist Ms. Soni Sori delivered the keynote address on ‘Adivasis and Wildlife Protection Laws’ to mark the launch.

Report Release: Excise Policing in India | Keynote Address by Hon’ble Justice Madan Lokur 

On 14 August 2021, the CPA Project released a report on “Drunk on Power: A Study of Excise Policing in India”, analysing publicly available data to examine policing trends under the M.P. Excise Act in three districts of the state. Hon’ble Justice Madan Lokur, former Judge of the Supreme Court delivered a keynote address on the topic ‘Criminal Justice System and Marginalised Communities.’ This was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Namrata Kolachalam with Dayamani Barla, Nihalsing Rathod, Chander Uday Singh on the panel.

Report Release: Countermapping Pandemic Policing: Sanctioned Violence in Madhya Pradesh | Panel Discussion

On 26th September 2020, the CPA Project organised a panel discussion on pandemic policing to mark the release of our study “Countermapping Pandemic Policing: Sanctioned Violence in Madhya Pradesh.” Nitya Ramakrishnan, Disha Wadekar, Srinivas Kodali joined us for the panel moderated by Sukanya Shantha.

Annual Vimukta Diwas Lecture Series



Address by Hon’ble Justice K V Viswanathan 

On 30th August 2023, the CPA Project organised the second annual Vimukta Day Lecture to mark the 71st year of the repeal of the Criminal Tribes Act (CTA). Hon’ble Justice K V Viswanathan delivered the keynote address on “Policing of ‘Habitual Offenders:’ The Enduring Legacy of the Criminal Tribes Act in India” to commemorate the occasion.


Address by Hon’ble Justice S Ravindra Bhat 

On 31st August 2022, the CPA Project organised the first annual Vimukta Day Lecture to mark the 70th year of the repeal of the draconian Criminal Tribes Act (CTA) of 1871. Hon’ble Justice S Ravindra Bhat delivered the keynote address on “Denotified Tribes and the Criminal Justice System” to commemorate the occasion.

Webinar Series: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in India


CPA Project, in collaboration with the Centre for Justice, Law and Society and Detention Solidarity, organised the webinar series aimed to deliberate on anti-carceral politics in India by centering the voices and perspectives of persons coming from several marginalised backgrounds who are most affected by carceral system, including persons from adivasi, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes, Vimukta communities (De-Notified Tribes -DNTs), Dalits, transgender persons, women and Muslims.

Over the course of four webinars, the issues of crime and punishment in India, particularly in relation to caste, gender, and securitisation were interrogated by a range of speakers, including those affected by carceral politics, lawyers, scholars, and activists, who envisioned to frame what anti-carceral politics in India can look like

Keynote Address

Panels: Caste as Criminality

Gender Justice

The Carceral Security State



Workshop on Decriminalising Petty Offences 

On 26th August 2023, the CPA Project in collaboration with the Centre for Justice, Law and Society, Jindal Global Law School organised a workshop on Decriminalising Petty Offences. The workshop was part of the elective course titled, "Policing, Caste & Carcerality in India," our co-founder Nikita Sonavane taught at JGLS. 

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